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Transforming wine production with the DWR ROUND: an ally for producers.

Transforming wine production with the DWR ROUND: an ally for producers.

Innovation in the world of wine: QR Code and the new DWR ROUND.

The DWR ROUND revolution

QR Code implementation is now a regulatory requirement, but it also represents an opportunity for wine producers to revamp their processes. Our DWR ROUND emerges as a fundamental component in this scenario, allowing you to automate and perfect the application of QR Codes on existing labels. The technology uses advanced photocells that guarantee the accurate reading of pre-existing labels and the application of new labels with millimeter precision.

Direct benefits for wine producers

Improved Efficiency: Thanks to DWR ROUND, manufacturers can avoid the costly and laborious process of manual relabeling. Automation allows for greater production speed and significantly reduces human errors.
Cost Reduction: By eliminating the need for labor-intensive relabeling and reducing waste resulting from application errors, our customers can enjoy a dramatic decrease in operating costs.


Simplified regulatory compliance

Improved Efficiency: Thanks to DWR ROUND, manufacturers can avoid the costly and laborious process of manual relabeling. Automation allows for greater production speed and significantly reduces human errors.


Cost Reduction: By eliminating the need for labor-intensive relabeling and reducing waste resulting from application errors, our customers can enjoy a dramatic decrease in operating costs.


Simplified Regulatory Compliance: Maintaining compliance with new laws can be complex and expensive. The DWR ROUND facilitates this process, ensuring that each bottle is correctly labeled according to current regulations.


Traceability and Quality Control: Each QR Code applied provides a detailed history of the product, improving traceability and allowing manufacturers to maintain superior quality control.

Customer testimonials

We have collected feedback from several wineries using the DWR ROUND, highlighting how our technology has transformed their operations. “The adoption of the DWR ROUND has revolutionized our way of working, reducing production time and allowing us to respond more quickly to market demands,” says the director of a well-known Italian winery.

The DWR ROUND is not just a tool for complying with regulations, but a real paradigm shift in the wine sector, which allows producers to improve efficiency, reduce costs and guarantee product quality. The future of the wine industry is digital, and with the DWR ROUND, our customers are always one step ahead.

For more information

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