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Labeling bottles and bottles: what is the best solution?

Labeling bottles and bottles: what is the best solution?

Label vials and bottles with DWR ROUND, the semi-automatic labeler from WIDE RANGE

The most common problems in labeling bottles and bottles,  when production volumes are not particularly high (at least not always), concern the organization and number of resources used but also the type of labeling machine to be used. The best labeling solution lies in the combination of these two elements.


In the application of labels on bottles and bottles, when the production volumes are not particularly high to require a fully automated line, the labels are applied manually by the operators and the number of these must be sufficient to allow the right speed of the production phase. packaging.
Manual labeling is particularly widespread in agri-food companies which have the characteristic of dealing with very fragmented orders with often sudden peaks in demand.

In times when it is necessary to label a large number of products as a result of a larger order, proceeding completely manually with the labeling of the products, the risk is not being able to prepare the shipments within the required times. Furthermore, in order not to delay delivery, we are often forced to subtract resources from production to be allocated to the labeling process.


If we add to these elements, as often happens, that small and numerous batches are processed with frequent label changes, the problem is considerable.

The most interesting solution to streamline the packaging phase and therefore give it the necessary flexibility, without investing in expensive automatic labeling machines, is the use of a semi-automatic benchtop labeling machine such as the DWR ROUND by WIDE RANGE.


The advantages in using the DWR ROUND semi-automatic benchtop labeller in labeling vials and bottles lies in the ease of use (short learning curve for the operators), in the ease with which the label format can be changed, in the speed of dispensing. Add to this the small size of semi-automatic benchtop labelers such as the DWR ROUND.

The DWR ROUND is a semi-automatic labeling machine for applying self-adhesive labels to cylindrical products. Available in the version with a maximum label width of 200 millimeters and equipped with a reel holder that accepts reels with a maximum diameter of 300 millimetres. This is the link where all the features and functions that make the WIDE RANGE benchtop labeller a leading machine in the semi-automatic labeling sector are described.

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