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Electronic components for labelers

Electronic components for labelers

Electronic components for labelers: all WIDE RANGE solutions

The WIDE RANGE range includes a series of very high quality electronic components for labelers.


Starting with the control units of the WRBIG series: the advanced solution for controlling stepper motor labelers.

The WRPICO series by WIDE RTANGE instead represents the solution with the highest price/performance ratio for the control of a stepper motor labeller, particularly suitable for speeds up to 40 metres/minute.


Finally, the WRSTEP series is made up of a family of bipolar drives for the control of small and medium power 2-phase stepper motors.


WIDE RANGE, in addition to offering electronic components for labeling machines, is able to design electronic equipment for any industrial level labeling requirement using the most advanced electronic CAD, software development for on-board microprocessors, card assembly, testing, maintenance of quality standards.

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