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Cosmetic labelling: the versatility of WIDE RANGE

Cosmetic labelling: the versatility of WIDE RANGE

Cosmetic labelling: all WIDE RANGE technological solutions

Cosmetic labeling represents a very important phase in the production and distribution process of wellness and beauty products. In fact, in the cosmetics sector, where the image is a fundamental part of the product, the label and packaging are decisive for communicating and transmitting the values of the brand and increasing its visibility to the public.


Add to this that cosmetic labeling must meet a series of requirements set by legislation and recent European regulations. The latter have in fact established that to guarantee greater safety for the consumer, the necessary information must be indicated on the label to allow the traceability of the product.

An interesting distinction, useful when we talk about cosmetic labelling, is the one made by the 2009 European regulation which distinguishes between primary and secondary packaging. By “Primary” we mean what is directly in contact with the product (for example, cosmetic bottles, jars, jars, etc.); “secondary” packaging, on the other hand, means what is not in contact with the product (e.g. cardboard, box, etc.) and which the consumer sees at the time of purchase and could throw away once he has started using the product.


The WIDE RANGE range helps in the field of cosmetic labelling, especially when the production volume is not high (think of the artisanal production of cosmetics) in both types of packaging.

The WIDE RANGE semi-automatic DWR-ROUND labeller is ideal for cosmetic labelling, in particular of the primary packaging: bottles, bottles, jars, jars and in general any cylindrical package.

Where it is necessary to label or code the primary pack, in addition to the DWR-ROUND, WIDE RANGE also provides the FEEDER model, capable of coding cartons, packages and packs, even offline.

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