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A leap in quality in large-scale retail trade: The DWRLC Cover dispenser

A leap in quality in large-scale retail trade: The DWRLC Cover dispenser

The new DWRLC Cover dispenser: efficiency and safety for Italian supermarkets.

In the large-scale retail sector, efficiency and safety are fundamental aspects to guarantee a high-quality service to customers. Recently, a well-known Italian supermarket chain expressed the need to improve the labeling process of food products subject to weight verification. To meet this need, we have developed a customized solution: the DWRLC Cover dispenser. In this article, we will explore how this innovation met customer demands, improving operational efficiency and the supermarket’s image.


Italian supermarkets needed a label dispenser to affix to food products subject to weight verification. The machinery had to be not only functional, but also aesthetically compatible with the checkout environment, requiring two fundamental specifications:
– a protective cover for the machinery
– black colour, in line with the crate conveyor belts



To meet customer needs, we have adapted one of our existing products, the DWRLC dispenser, transforming it into the new DWRLC Cover. The changes made were:

– protective cover: design and creation of an iron cover to protect the dispenser from dust, dirt and accidental impacts. The cover can be easily opened to replace the label reel.
– black colour: painting the dispenser in black for perfect aesthetic integration with the crate conveyor belts.



The new DWRLC Cover dispenser has achieved great success at the supermarket chain, thanks to the following features:

– ease of use: the dispenser is intuitive and does not require specific training for staff.
– reliability: built with robust and resistant materials, the dispenser guarantees uninterrupted and long-lasting operation.
– safety: the protective cover ensures the safety of staff and food products



Benefits for the customer

– better efficiency: the dispenser has optimized the labeling process of food products subject to weight verification in the checkout.
– better image: by using a quality dispenser with a modern design, the supermarket chain has improved its image of efficiency and professionalism.


The case of the DWRLC Cover dispenser highlights our ability to respond to specific customer needs with innovative and customized solutions. Thanks to our experience and expertise, we are able to provide the best products and services for our customers’ labeling needs. Our dedication to quality and customer satisfaction allows us to create solutions that improve operational efficiency and the professional image of our customers.

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