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Food labelers

Food labelers

WIDE RANGE food labelers: digitalisation and autonomous management of the labeling of agri-food products

The most common problem faced by those who produce oil, honey, preserves, jams, spices and sauces are the costs and times of labelling/packaging the products.
Let’s think about the need to print a limited number of labels or the need to label a variety of products with different packs and sizes.


The costs of labelling, in these particular cases, can be very, if not too high due to:

of the so-called typographical minima. The printing houses; in fact, they require a minimum quantity of production for each single graphic and label size
of warehouse stocks: excess labels will certainly remain unused since the label itself will have to be renewed over time.
by the presence of variable data such as the expiry date and the production batch, which must be printed subsequently.

Having said this, it is clear how expensive it can become to print a few labels, differentiated by graphics and size, when you have different production batches, each with a small number of products.

Added to this is the fact that the agri-food industry today is fluid and constantly changing to meet the needs of the market and consumers with regulations that regulate labeling in an increasingly detailed and stringent manner.


It therefore seems clear that the solution lies in simplifying and making the production and process of labeling and packaging products faster and more versatile.


In particular, making the labeling process digital and above all AUTONOMOUS allows you to:

Increase the productivity and efficiency of the production process
Tackling the labeling phase in a faster, easier and more scalable way based on any change needs.
Don’t incur costs due to labeling errors
Avoid the presence of warehouse stocks and consequently avoid the waste of unused labels.

WIDE RANGE food labeling machines are able to satisfy the necessary versatility in the case of personalized and differentiated labeling with much lower costs than letterpress printing and automatic labeling lines.

First of all, the DWR-ROUND semi-automatic benchtop labeler which allows you to label any cylindrical product quickly and at low cost.

For complete digitization and autonomy in label printing, WIDE RANGE offers its integrated and customized printing systems.

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