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Self-adhesive label winders and unwinders

Self-adhesive label winders and unwinders

Self-adhesive label winders and unwinders: the wide choice offered by WIDE RANGE

In the sector of label winders and unwinders (or otherwise called unwinders) WIDE RANGE offers a wide range of products, called the RWR series, which goes from label winders and unwinders to integrated systems composed of a winder, printer and rewinder, which create work that guarantee perfect alignment and great operating autonomy.


The label winders and unwinders of the RWR WIDE RANGE series are designed and solidly assembled for industrial use, completely made of steel, they are all equipped with a large support base for a stable connection to the printer.
An innovative system for detecting the position of the dancer allows you to perfectly follow the speed of the printer, avoiding problems related to tears and unwanted stops. With RWR it is possible to rewind clockwise or anti-clockwise and select the maximum speed range you want to reach. WIDE RANGE label winders and unwinders do not require a separate power supply.


Taking into account the current need for large volume printing, WIDE RANGE has developed a complete range (RWR BIG) of winders and unwinders to be able to use reels with a maximum diameter of 400 mm. and maximum width of 230 mm. Sturdy mechanics and a high-power motor allow the processing of reels weighing up to 25 kg. Also in this case the devices are designed to be connected to all color printers.

The integrated WIDE RANGE work units (finally allow a reliable and rapid label production flow: the control electronics are in fact able to detect the position of the dancer by reversing the rotation when the printer performs the back feed. Versions are available for all printers on the market such as EPSON, VIP COLOR, PRIMERA, NEURALABEL, AFINIA.

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