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Private label and coffee: off-line aluminum film customization with WIDE RANGE

Private label and coffee: off-line aluminum film customization with WIDE RANGE

Off-line aluminum film customization: private labels and coffee distribution

The term “private label” refers to those products that a commercial company offers for sale under its own brand after having purchased them from a manufacturing company (called co-packer). Commercial companies that adopt this sales method apply the “private label” policy.


The phenomenon is also very widespread in Italy, so much so that there are over 1,500 companies that produce goods intended to be branded by distributors, for a total turnover of almost 10 billion euros (Adm Lab data from the University of Parma).

The private label system has obviously also affected the coffee production and distribution market, where distributors, purchasing quality products from producers at advantageous conditions, can then sell the product by applying their own brand and above all their own marketing strength and strategy. .


In the field of private label WIDE RANGE is able to provide concrete support such as in the case of off-line customisation, of the aluminum film used to seal the coffee capsules.


WIDE RANGE provides, for offline customization of aluminum film, a system consisting of a powerful unwinder, coupled with a towing system and a thermal transfer machine capable of customizing aluminum film, all offline.

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