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Drug labels and pharmaceutical cases

Drug labels and pharmaceutical cases

Drug labels and pharmaceutical cartons: how to print price, expiry and production batch on pharmaceutical cartons?

In the field of drug packaging and drug coding, the need often arises to print on pharmaceutical cartons a series of information necessary for the purposes of logistical and quantitative control of pharmaceutical batches and batches.

Often this need is resolved directly in the product packaging line, but in the presence of small batch packaging this operation is much more practical to carry out offline.

WIDE RANGE with its FEEDER is able to allow the coding of pharmaceutical cartons and drug labels offline, with efficiency, speed and versatility.


WR FEEDER is a friction feeder capable of processing sheets, tags, cases and coupons up to a maximum format of 400×300 millimetres.

The WIDE RANGE FEEDER is extremely flexible on every type of product to be used thanks also to the large warehouse which guarantees great working autonomy.

The FEEDER is managed by a microprocessor and presents the operator with a keyboard with a two-line 20-character LCD display and 7 function keys, through which it is possible to set all the working parameters such as feed speed, continuous feeding or, on request, even multiple copies, stop delay, print delay and stroke count, with the possibility of storing 40 work formats.


The WIDE RANGE FEEDER therefore represents the most versatile choice when it is necessary to label pharmaceutical packages and cartons offline.

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